
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

We Now Resume Our Regular Programming....

Wasn't that a crazy month??

This time period last year, my husband was quite ill and in and out of hospital. Christmas happened but it was a diversion. This time, Christmas was front and center and demanded my full time and attention. Hubby couldn't handle the walking around stores, due to still recovering from his knee surgery, so I did the shopping. I can well understand why some people shop through out the year and stash things away.

Well, the crazy time is done and we are starting a new year. We just got home yesterday from spending time with family and Ethan our grandson. He's eight months old now and a going concern. He never stops moving, exploring, and trying to talk (or 'babbling '). He's sporting four new teeth and more on the way.

Opening gifts

Waiting for supper

Sitting with the big boys on the couch

He's growing up so fast! It was fun spending time with Ethan and his parents and also my other family members. Its really what this time of year is all about.... Before we knew it, we were heading for home.

We had our first New Year's eve out in some time visiting with friends . We normally stay home and stay up just long enough to welcome the new year and then head for bed. We had a great time chatting and laughing and before we knew it, it was 2 am + and we headed for home. I felt like a kid sneaking home after curfew!

So now we start a new year. A report on the studio:
  • the big loom, the Woolhouse, is empty but there's a warp half wound to go on.
  • the last project, the snowflake twill scarves are done but being 'finished'.
  • The Louet Spring has a second runner underway, with a new project being formulated in my mind.
  • The Megado still has the book mark warp with only one done  *must* do more!
  • I have built a list of more items to de-stash and part with (so watch for the coming sales)
I'm looking forward to getting back to the loom benches once I have my house back in order.

Santa left me a new iPad 2 for Christmas and one new app I have treated myself to is iWeaveit  but have yet to try it due to lack of play time but it will be fun to play around with a different program in a more convenient sized and lighter tablet.

So there is just a week to go before the draw for a tea towel! The winner will get a choice between the recent turned twill towels in muted colours... or the royal blue waffle weave.

I hope the coming year for you  is one filled with much happiness, good health and time to explore with your looms! There is much to look forward to...

Grandad Bruce and Ethan, taken December 30th, 2012


  1. Happy New Year Susan! What a wonderful picture of Bruce and Ethan - very handsome gentlemen you have there.

  2. That Ethan is adorable! Happy New Year!

  3. Sounds like a Merry Christmas, indeed, Susan! May 2013 be filled with health, lots of time with your very adorable grandson, and even more with your lovely family of looms!!

  4. Ethan is so cute! I wish you and your family all the best for the new year!

  5. That picture of granddad and baby ethan needs to be framed! Its so not fair that men usually get the great eyelashes and always always look good in pictures :)Happy New year!

  6. Happy New Year to everyone at your house. I love the picture of Bruce and Ethan!

  7. Happy New Year! We had one of those Christmas's this year! DH had a surprise double bypass on December 12th after several weeks of tests that's what resulted. Thanks goodness for Amazon to send out of town gifts and I did get some time to shop right before Christmas. We are blessed with two wonderful grand tots and a healthy grandpa nd a great grandpa who had major heart surgery in July! I'm glad 2012 is over! I love my iPad and iWeaveit, I also just bought a HoverBar and an air printer. We have a thread going on Ravelry Warped Weavers about it.

  8. Susan - You are loaded into my Grow Your Blog party - you will need to have a dedicated post for that event on January 19- latest updates are on my blog.


  9. With the frantic holiday season it's been yonks since I found time to catch up on your weaving and after reading the past few blogs, I'm sorry I missed them at the time! I love, love, love the silk scarves and the pearls are a stunning touch! The photo of Bruce and Ethan is priceless...what a happy time for all of you!

  10. That's a gorgeous picture of Bruce and Ethan! Happy New Year to you all.


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