
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

....And the Winner Is....

So as of the close of January 8th, 2013 there were 293 "Regular Readers". I want to thank you all for being  readers of my blog. I started writing and hit the publish button for the first time on January 8th, 2008 and some of you have been here from the beginning with me.

You have learned about the goings on in my weaving studio and looms, our dogs (Connor, and now Calli),  you endured our ongoing renovations (kitchen, dining room, stairwell, interior painting through out) Who could forget the ripping off of all the old decks and the rebuild? Trees being cut down and a new well being dug and pipes being run 300 feet to the house?   Ah, the joys of home ownership!

As warps came off the loom, you were there for the show and tell's and  also our road trips, health woes,  vacations and additions to the family. Many of you have become friends I hear from privately and I feel like I could drop by for tea if we lived closer together. (Now wouldn't that be a great road trip? Traveling across Canada or the USA staying only at cyber fibre friends homes?)  I hear regularly from Scotland, Australia and now even Taiwan!

Pushing the publish button that day was a leap of faith and look what it has added to my life!
So same process as last year... I wrote out all the names on slips of paper and placed them into a large turned bowl we have. A good stir up and one name drawn....

I'm happy to announce that reader the Reverend Wayne Nicolson or  'Padre Wayne' as he is known at Ravelry, is the grand winner of the kitchen towel.  He gets to choose between one of these:


I will leave a message for him at Ravelry and so expect to hear back soon! (Edit: Wayne chose the turned twill)

I also decided to do a 'runner up' draw and reader Dawn Sare will receive a random assortment of weaving samples.  (Edit: Dawn is getting three actual woven samples and drafts for waffle weave towels, Ethan's baby hearts blankets, and the recent Gothic Silk scarves)

Now to alert the winners and get some mailing addresses.... back again soon.


  1. Wow, what a delight to have a towel from you, Susan! You've been such a supportive friend - this is totally unexpected and most appreciated!

    All best wishes for a happy New Year!

    Padre Wayne

  2. Wow, I didn't know you did this. What a great and generous gift. Lucky Padre Wayne!!

  3. Lucky Padre Wayne!! I had no idea you did this. What a generous gift.

  4. Well, I never expected to see my name up here! Some of your samples (or those from your many exchanges) will be very welcome.

    I haven't told you that I am planning my first snowflake twill table runner. Your beautiful work is, of course, my inspiration.

    In case you don't have my mailing address, I will email it to you. Thank you for your support from my favorite island!

  5. Happy Anniversary! And, congratulations to the lucky winners. It's so can be a bit scary to hit publish for the first time. And, when we did...we had no idea how wonderful the ride would be, that we'd meet so many wonderful people, and see and learn so many great things. Blogland can be a wonderful place. :-)

  6. "I haven't told you that I am planning my first snowflake twill table runner. Your beautiful work is, of course, my inspiration."

    I so agree, Dawn. I, too, am in the middle (erm... 2/3rds) of threading a snowflake twill sample with some of Susan's Orlec and Sulky Holoshimmer (suggested in the Nov/Dec Handwoven) - I'd never have tried it without Susan's inspiration and encouragement! (Now, as to the Sulky... the expression, "do not try this at home without adult supervision" comes to mind...)

    Every single blog entry of yours, Susan, inspires me.


Thank you for visiting... I love to hear from you! Sorry about the comment moderation but I will post them quickly. This is necessary to screen out some nasty spam. If you can't read the numbers in the little box, then click on the "circle with an arrow" and it will give you another. Keep trying until you get one you can read okay? If you wish a reply back from me then either check back here, or leave someway for me to contact you. My email address is available in my profile. Thanks for reading my blog, Susan