
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A Good Idea at the Time...

I can't blame my lack of weaving on summer as its been unseasonably cool and we've even had rain.  There were two sets of company that came and had a brief visit with us, which was delightful.

No....I must blame this instead.   Its all self inflicted too.  The goal is to reduce stairs (we have ground floor entry and main floor is up)..... and overall property size.

It seems the overly hot real-estate market in Vancouver has 'flowed' to Vancouver Island and we've had fourteen viewings in ten days. Finally had two days in a row off and another viewing today.    There was even an offer for a short time but it wasn't a good deal money wise, or on various dates.

There is an awful lot of housecleaning going on daily and we're living 'lightly' in the house when home.   I often wonder what they think when they see the studio in what should be a large TV family room.

I don't seem to have any issues with uprooting ourselves and finding a new home and community to live. The new home, once we have an accepted offer on this house, will be here on Vancouver island and most likely a bit further north.  There are a number of lovely towns complete with weaving guilds and new friends so I'm kinda excited about that.

I have been weaving in brief snatches of time, usually waiting for laundry to finish their cycles late a night.  The viewings seems to be any time from 9:30 am to 7 pm and we have to be out of the house for an hour for each. That's a lot of time in the car.... waiting. So I'm getting a lot of reading done.

Speaking of books: there's a new weaving book out on weaving Leno and my copy is on its way. Check the link out!

I showed a sneak peek in my last post of a new project under way.... well, its still on the loom but now I'm starting scarf number two:

There will be some show and tell for you.....eventually.   I have also been pre-winding new warps which will most likely won't be beamed until after the move but they are ready to go, including project notes and weft choices.

We have three moving quotes in now and will continue to downsize to reduce the load.  Selling, buying and moving is a stressful time.  I had a good laugh when I saw this picture on Google Images:

Who are these people?  They can't be moving. All they need is candles and music.   

Here's our property from above.... high above!  That's the garage and garden / orchard down by the road and the house is tucked back in the trees.  Nicely private....   but a lot of lawn to cut. Time for younger, healthy  bones to enjoy the country life. 


  1. I'm glad for you that you're in an area with such a healthy housing market. I have friends whose property has been on the market for 2 years without a nibble. :( And you clearly have the right attitude about moving....perhaps because, according to your history that you've shared with us over the past months and years, you've done a lot of it in your life.

    The weaving is beautiful, as usual.

  2. I'm impressed that you can get anything done in the midst of moving. And as usual, it's gorgeous!
    I hadn't thought to check the weather report up that way. I'm glad to hear "cool" and "rain". Today, it's supposed to be 97 down here in So. Cal. But next week, my hubby and I are getting in the truck and getting on the road heading north for a vacation. As much as I'd like to see more of the southwest, it's just too hot!

  3. I guess you could say that we were 'global warming' migrants back in 2006 when we moved from the (very hot) southern interior of BC back to the cooler more moderate coast. I simply could not deal with the heat! It made no sense to me to live in AC homes, cars, and workplaces and never go outside. Or open a window for fresh air. Then there were some serious forest fires that crossed into city neighbourhoods in 2003 and we could see the situation wasn't going to get any better.... and we moved a couple of years after that.

    Right now I have every patio door open and windows and a lovely breeze blowing through the house. No AC but we do have four fans for when Mother Nature dials up the heat.

    If things keep going the way they have.... I can see coastal towns eventually needing AC for summer too. I worry about what kind of world my grandchildren will be living in after we're gone...

  4. we live just across the border from you. have been thinking about down sizing too. had a realtor here yesterday giving us an appraisal and talking about what we want and where we want to go. this is a 4 bedroom 2, bath, 2 outbuildings and a complete woodworking shop out back on the property plus my studio space is an attached 3 car garage. i go out there, look at the looms, and just the thought of moving gives me a panic attack. she thinks this place will sell fast in today's market so we need to be finding a place to move to. crap. maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

  5. Congratulations on the sale of your home, and hoping you find the perfect new home to meet your wants and needs. I'm preparing to put my home on the market and have a similar situation, my weaving studio is the former living room. People will have to use their imaginations!


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