
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Hang on for a Bumpy Ride

Sixteen days is what it took for there to be an accepted offer on our house and property!  Oh, and a total eighteen viewings and two other offers.    It was a nail biter finish yesterday. Someone is very happy and another family is very disappointed.    We're just feeling numb right now.    To be fair, our realtor told us after we signed the listing papers to strap in for the ride!

So that's part one done and now we move onto the next phase which is finding a new place to live.  Kinda scary letting go with one hand and having faith the next step is there.  A second ride and hopefully smoother....

I have finished weaving the second scarf and just have samples to weave off and then I'm into fringe twisting (when I'm not on the road viewing homes).

I can stop cleaning now.  


  1. That was fast - nice to have that part done. I hope you two find the perfect house with the perfect space for your studio.

  2. Susan, I am delighted to hear that your house has sold and you are now in the next phase of looking for a new home. Enjoy the process while out there looking, it can be a lot of fun.

  3. Congratulations!!! I am in awe that you sold your home without another ready for you. A braver woman than I, for sure.

  4. Moving's no fun. Our move to this house was one of the most frustrating events I can remember. You're lucky your house sold so quickly - mine was on the market over a year! It took so long I felt like my entire life was on hold for all eternity, and then it seemed like the move had to be accomplished in mere seconds. Don't think I want to do it again. Here's to a quick find of a perfect new home!


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