
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Treadle Lightly: ANWG 2017 NW Weavers Conference

For those of you who live along the west coast of Canada and the USA.... or will be traveling to Vancouver Island this summer, consider adding this amazing event to your calendar:  Workshops: June 28-30 and Conference: July 1-2, 2017.

What is ANWG?

The Association of Northwest Weavers’ Guilds (ANWG) is an umbrella organization for weavers’ guilds from southern Oregon to Alaska and the Yukon, and east as far as Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Montana. ANWG started with a conference in 1957 for the weavers of the Pacific Northwest hosted by the Seattle Weavers’ Guild. At the second conference hosted by Seattle in 1969, a group of active weavers from Washington and Oregon met to form a non-dues paying Association to promote and perpetuate the conferences.

I hear there will be fireworks the first night! (it will be Canada Day 😁)  Victoria will also dress up with their amazing 2000+ flower baskets.  Be sure to stay and see the sights after the workshops and seminars at the conference.   Click on this link to meet some of the instructors and their courses. You'll find it hard to choose!

Peruse the workshops and seminars now, save your dimes and dollars for the market hall, and enter the exhibits and / or fashion show.  Come and enjoy your self!   See the link below for details, and registration starts January 17th at 9 am PST.

I'll be there... will you?

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