
Saturday, December 10, 2016

... and Even More Winter....

Twenty four hours later and it shows no signs of stopping. Talk is the snow might fall  for another two days...    Its also warmed up a bit and so the snow is getting heavy.   Hubby is in the garage seeing if he can get the snow thrower started. Its not cooperating.   Big thanks to the neighbour who loaned us some gas to run it!

Bruce took these pictures this morning and as luck would have it, a snow shoer was on their way past the back fence on the fairway.

Its pretty, and pretty worrying all at the same time....  I have a big list of things that must be done, paid and arranged (like everyone else).  The big one is I have no snow boots and that might have been a serious oversight.... well, this year at least!

Just heard a big roar as the snow thrower started.... Yeah!

I don't know how these twiggy branches hold up in conditions like this!

The back yard

Close up of the poor hawthorn

Trellis and chestnut tree

Its rather deep out there. Ask poor Calli. Its a good thing she's tall.

Neighbour snow shoeing beyond the back fence.

The car was cleared off (mostly) yesterday

Well, if you can't get out, then you can't get out. So what's to do? Bruce will get a hot chocolate 'adult style' and a soak in the tub. Me?  more threading  and Christmas tunes.

Edit:   Bruce just came in to warm up some parts and cool down others. He said the snow thrower is like riding a bucking bronco. It has its own ideas of where it wants to go.  We'll have to look into making some fine adjustments to hobble that machine a bit!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You guys got at least twice as much snow as we did! Ours was mixed with rain yesterday and then it warmed up enough to rain all night. Now we're down to only about 5cm left. Your piles are gorgeous though! Heh.


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