
Thursday, January 18, 2018

Drum Roll Please

 The comment counter says 37 but a couple of those were second comments from two people, and one who asked to sit this out.    For the rest of you, you had a 1 in 34 chance of winning.

Very high tech system in place..... I recorded each name as I approved the comments for posting. Then I cut each line with a name and folded it.

Then added it to our big burl bowl and just stirred and stirred until the moment felt right and picked a slip....

The winner is ....... Hilary!  Now in the slim chance I don't hear from Hilary in the next seven days, then I will draw another name. Edit: Hilary has contacted me and is thrilled to win the yarn.  Thank you everyone!

Hilary, the two skeins of lace weight super wash merino are yours.... get in touch please! They'll most likely have to wait out a coming blizzard   rain storm though.... (thankfully, the snow has failed to appear... so far....)

Just got home late last night from attending a funeral over in the Vancouver area. Our daughter in law's mother passed  away and all the family and friends gathered to say their good bye's. Adele being Italian by birth, she was Nonna to the grandchildren and I am Nana.

Both Ethan and Madison were there learning a life's lesson and not really understanding.   Madison in her little black dress and Ethan with a fresh hair cut and a big boy suit that made him look so grown up and so small, all at the same time.

If they call me Nonna by mistake, that's just fine by me too.  🌹

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