
Monday, July 20, 2020


Its been three years and a month since our Airedale terrier Calli died suddenly.  Our hearts were so broken by her loss since she was only eight years old.     We weren't ready for another dog for a long time, but we also knew that getting another would also take time so we put our name down onto a long list.

The first litter turned out to be a false pregnancy, complete with swollen tummy.

The second litter was all boys.... and we had requested a girl.

The third try didn't take at pups again.

So this time we were first up for Airedale terrier pups and  Irish terrier pups. We also said girl first, but will take a boy too.   So basically hedging our bets!

So the Airedale mum had another false pregnancy.....but the Irish mum had seven pups on July 17th.  Six girls and one boy....

So here's Mum Sienna having a well earned rest shortly after her  delivery.    One of these little nuggets is our new pup!     Homing starts mid to late September.  

We have a lot of shopping to do to get ready!

Yes, this is seriously going to get in the way of weaving for a time, but that's probably a good thing.



  1. How exciting! You will be very busy!

  2. Susan, I am so excited for you and Bruce. It is going to be such a lot of fun to meet your new little pup. Looking forward to hearing and seeing her photos. I finally started to blog again, let us hope this time the silly thing actually works correctly.

  3. Hi Martha... I have already added your new blog address to my friends list! Looking forward to following your weaving adventures.

    Yes, we're looking forward to meeting our new little girl in a few weeks time and start the 'getting to know you and here are the rules' phase. Shouldn't be a dull moment for some months I imagine! 😁


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