
Saturday, August 8, 2020

Baby Pictures

Well, the pups are three weeks old now.... and starting to do a bit more than eat and sleep!  Still no idea which one is ours.    Enjoy!  🍼  🐕

I think Mum Sienna is doing a fine job!


... and a bonus three more pictures came in today August 9th....   ❤️
They are enjoying a drink of goat's milk in the bowl, and the pan are beginner potty training. They are going out on real grass today sometime.  If I get more pictures, I will add them here.   (Yes, I saw the gnawed wood ..... ominous!  😳 )


  1. Isn't it amazing how fast puppies grow? Nice to see such plump little puppies, Mama is doing a great job. I am sure that you both are anxious for the day your little girl comes home, hope the time flies quickly for you.


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