
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Rhaea at 10 Weeks Old


I guess it goes without saying that there is no weaving going on here at all...... and I'm okay with that........for now ... but hopefully I can start again soon??

Rhaea is 10 weeks old today and we can see how she is changing and quickly too.   If you scroll through these pictures and the previous ones taken at 8 weeks, you will see it too.

There is a dog trainer coming today to give us a one hour lesson  to tide us over until puppy classes start on October 19th and run for 6 weeks.   Its been a long time since we last had a small puppy and we were also younger then too. So we need to brush up on our techniques and get this done right.  😊

We are working on "sit" and "come" and naturally "no bite" and "leave it". We keep small bits of freeze dried liver treats in our pockets as inducements.  I have to check all pockets now before doing laundry as they look kinda creepy all soggy in the bottom of the washing machine! 

House training is coming right along and its mostly successes. That's due in part to being able to read the messages and being prompt with answering the call!    Our day starts at +/- 6 am now and there is nothing happier than a dry and warm dog bed with a sleepy puppy in it.

So do you think she has 'daddy' all wrapped around her paws?    Yea, I think so too.   😁


  1. Oh my gosh, she is so precious. What a fun time for you all. I can almost smell the puppy breath! I can't remember if you mentioned how big she'll become.

  2. After freeze dried liver treats for training lessons, you might not want to get too close to her breath! 😁 She's our first Irish terrier so we have to go with what we've been told and seen. They get to be approx 25-30 pounds. They have a long slim line to their heads and body plus long legs!

    Thanks for writing Cindie...

  3. I really like the side head shots, her little curly ears are so adorable. Very smart to get a jump on training, I am sure she will impress the trainer who is coming today with all she has learned so far. Very happy for you guys, Rhaea is a sweet little girl.


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