
Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Zoomie Monster


Rhaea is 12 weeks old now and a real going concern. We have our moments of insanity and then there's the good times and snuggles. She has a real personality and not shy about what she wants .... but what she gets is another matter. She was 4.05 kg (nearly 9 pounds) last week so she's doubled her weight and doubled her leg length!  

Basic commands like sit are very well done, but 'down' has to be coaxed with a treat and what the heck is 'come'? Housetraining is coming along and accidents are fewer, with the understanding that she really wants to go outside which is encouraging when we are too slow or her bladder too small.  

We are discovering "zoomie time": that time of day usually around supper time or just after when they whip around the house or yard and turn into demons with teeth. Literally there's no reaching them mentally and she goes into the time out crate.  

I had to laugh when I heard this is the 'puppy good times' as when they reach the teething and teenage months, it gets 'interesting! 😳 Puppy classes start Oct 19th.... and we'll find out all our mistakes then.

No.... there's no weaving going on. Sorry.

I think you can see why now.....

1 comment:

  1. She is really starting to look like a Terrier now! Cute as a button.


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