
Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter! 🐇


Eggs by Shari Bailey

All around the World, I think we are all a bit Ukrainian this year.    Everyone wants and needs peace and stability in their lives, especially these poor proud people suffering, and fighting for their lives and country's right to exist. 


I will have some weaving to share  next post but have to share with you that I put my right shoulder and arm out again and so have been focusing on getting better and coping with pain. I did this last November as well, but this time it is worse.   I'm limited to what I can do with my right arm and have even been sleeping nightly semi reclined  on the couch as it hurts to lie down.  Its been a rough 2-3 weeks but it is slowly improving.   What did I do?   I have no idea!  I wish I did know so I can be sure not to repeat it again. 

I am able to spin on my Hansen so have been enjoying that for a change of pace.    I'm not able to throw a shuttle  or wind a warp but I have been project  planning, fringe twisting and I was able to beam a warp today with a lot of help from Hubby.    So the looms will be ready to go when I can..... but it will be a very slow start so not to set myself back again.    I guess I'm not a spring chicken anymore !  🐣🐥