This past Saturday I went to the Cobble Hill Fall Fair. I was to assist at the booth where guild members were showing the people what we love to do! Dawn brought her Baby Wolf (which has handy wheels for transporting) It was a literal kid magnet! She had been there since start up and had child after child sit and throw the shuttle on the Saori piece. They usually needed help with the treadles as their legs are a bit short. You should have seen the serious faces as they concentrated....proud parents or grand parents standing by, cameras snapping

Below, this little miss was intently working on her kumihimo... and was deadly serious about getting it right.

As you can see from this picture, there were little ones standing everywhere! There was a bobbin lace pillow, knitters rigid heddle loom spinning wheels, and I had a little beaded amulet bag I was knitting. (I'll show you when it all done)

This little girl was not at all intimidated by the lace pattern and all the bobbins! She had nimble fingers and picked it up quick. Barbara was a good teacher!

Hannah had her rigid heddle loom and was weaving up a scarf. She even got it finished and off the loom and one little miss stayed around for the unveiling.

I entered two categories of weaving at the fair exhibit hall. I had conflicting information which meant some of my pieces were disqualified. (I suspected this might happen... and was understandable) It was my first time entering a fair exhibit and the Cobble Hill Fair's 100th Anniversary to boot!
Look what happened...

The winning piece in one category was my overshot runner (2/10 mercerized cotton, with 2/6 wool pattern weft).
Then this happened....

We are leaving this coming Saturday on a two week break. I'll have my camera with me and will share when I get home on the 14th. I'll *try* to get another post in before I go but no promises! Besides getting ready, I'm weaving on the shawl and hope to have it done before I go.... well at least off the loom. Then the final finishing will start when I get back.
congrats on the ribbons. :)
Congratulations on your ribbons!!!
Have fun on your vacation.
Oooh ribbons!!! Awesome! Congrats! Way to get weaving out there for more people to be inspired by!
Sounds like you guys did a great job demonstrating at the fair. At our last guild meeting in the spring, there was a new member who'd tried weaving at a demo like that. It really does get people started!
Have a great vacation! We'll miss you and we want to see lots of pictures when you get back!!
Many, many congratulations, I'm so happy you won those prizes and you really deserve them. This fair sounds like a lot of fun, and I think you all did a very good job passing on some of your knowledge to the younger generation and perhaps kindle an interest for fiber arts.
Have a nice vacation!
Congratulations!!! That overshot is beautiful!!!
Thanck you for the visit to me.
You have a very intressant blogg and I love it.
Congratulation on the ribbons.
Have a nice day.
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