I thought it was time for a little weaving relief and so hubby and I went for a drive yesterday. We headed north and went to a city call
Nanaimo. Although we were shopping, it was a great day as we took time to photograph some fall colours. The trees above are 'sisters' and belong to a long and large family. We have been living in our present home and community for just over 2 years now and are heading into our third winter here. I noticed these special trees two falls ago and they literally come to life this time of year. Have you ever noticed how trees become a solid wall of the same green each spring and summer... but then in the fall, they become individuals as they play out their last gasp. I know that I for one miss the vivid greens of summer during the winter months. I resort to looking at my green ferns out my kitchen window for my green fix until the snow covers them.

There is an avenue of ten trees and another by the large home at the end of the drive. They have whimsical branches that give them the appearance of being whirling dervishes.... or better still, Dancing Ladies. We stopped and took these pictures but didn't get any closer as it is someones private drive, but I'm thinking of asking their permission to shoot them closer. The home has a lovely vista looking due east...over rolling fields ...

This is their view. I sure wish I could convey more adequately how open and rolling this terrain is! Lush and very pastoral. I live a bit north of this road about 1 1/2 kms away. Between the notch of the hills lies a little community called
Maple Bay and then an island, then the waters of
Georgia Strait. Beyond is
Vancouver, or as we call it "The Big Smoke", approximately 22 miles away as the crow flies ( or the ferry sails) We call it our moat.
The hillsides that you see on either side way off in the distance are Mount Maxwell on the left and a large hill to the right and both are on Salt Spring Island.... home to Treenway Silks, Jane Stafford Textile Studio and much, much more.
It's just there, and oh so close! I keep my 'draw bridge' up as I would be beyond broke if I took the leap and went island hopping! (My husband likes it this way too!)
Just south of our town of
Duncan, a new public retail weaving studio is being set up and opened soon. The weavers in town are hoping that the owner will offer retail weaving yarns to go along with her weaving classes! Be nice to get a local quick fix when we're caught short. I hope to feature the studio in a future post and introduce you to Leola.
I have something special for my next post... a guest blogger! Stay tuned...
Hi Susan, I love the pictures and the colours are beautiful. We are a bit the same here in Scotland but I haven't seen trees quite that shape before. Do you know what kind they are ?
The Google view of Duncan is interesting and the web site is very welcoming !
I miss the greenery too and we are already into some grey damp weather and that makes the winter seem long.
However, more time for weaving now the darker nights are with us.
I didn't think it was possible, but this sentence:
"Have you ever noticed how trees become a solid wall of the same green each spring and summer... but then in the fall, they become individuals as they play out their last gasp."
Made me love you even more. Beautiful post Mum. You'd love the fall colors on the east coast. It was a huge eye opener when I moved to Ontario and even more so in Boone. The New Yorkers drive down just to see the leaves change along the blue ridge parkway.
Ah Susan, you have made me homesick for the Pacific Northwest. Not that it isn't stunningly beautiful here in Ashland Oregon. The fall colors have a brilliance that doesn't show up in the more muted light up north. I have enjoyed Vancouver Island every time I have been there and am familiar with Nanaimo (and Nanaimo bars, yum!) and many of the other parts of the Island. Stanwood, where we lived before was due east of the southern tip of Vancouver Island so we shared much of the same flora and fauna.
Thanks for the lovely interlude. -Renee
The beauty is undeniable. You have a way with words......and a dream come true in the weaving community so close.
Beautiful photos! It would be great to visit your part of the world sometime.
Beautiful pictures!!! I love trees especially in the fall. Their colors are amazing.
That looks like such a beautiful area. It reminds of parts of Colorado with the big sky and mountain backdrop.
You've got some great weaving resources close enough - but not too close!!!!
I grew up in a very hilly area with lots of pastures and wooded areas and your pictures make me miss it very much. The prairie I now live on just cannot compare to hills!
And I agree with gnomenapper! What a lovely sentence and what images it provokes! Sigh... :)
Thank you for all your comments! Its been raining steady here so not ideal for taking more pictures.
Dorothy: I belive they are a maple tree ( and possibly a sugar maple variation?)
Gnomenapper, my darling daughter!
Thank you... but you might be homesick a bit? I've heard that NC is beautiful in it's own unique way. Tour companies do 'fall colour tours' there!
Renee: ah, Nanaimo bars! Pure sugar in a slice... yummy aren't they? My hubby made himself really sick one year eating too many and he's not touched them since. So here we are living in their home territory and they seem to be everywhere!
Benita: I lived on the Saskatechewan prairies for 10 years as a child and I prefer the hills and mountains of the west coast region by far. That said, the prairies have their own unique beauty. I recall seeing natural rolling grass hills in southern Alberta as we were driving home to BC. The wind was blowing through the grasses like waves on the ocean and there was not a power pole,or fence line to be seen! I could almost imagine the prairies as they were before the Europeans came.
I think as weavers we become very aware of nature's use of colours, shapes and forms around us. I can recall being amazed at the colour combo's that Nature puts together on my way home after one particularily invigorating dye day session!
Dear Susan,
Your photographic talent is enviable indeed. Whether you’re recording your beautiful weaving to post on your blog, or capturing the scenes around you, the results are the same…top notch!! I’ve been taking pictures for over 40 years and my work is certainly less impressive than yours. Congratulations!!
The Pacific Northwest offers breathtaking scenery through all the seasons, but the hardwood forests of eastern North America put on a fabulous show in autumn. I grew up in Northern Ontario and spent must of my time in the forests there. In the Fall, my dog and I would run through knee – deep fallen leaves and slide down leaf strewn hillsides. I would often come home after a day in the woods, bringing my mother a large bouquet of Maple, Birch and Oak leaves that had turned bright red, yellow and brown with the first frosts of the season.
You have many talents, and I’m glad that you take the time to share them with your readers, myself included.
Hi Susan,
We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place! I enjoyed the Fibre Art Fair and meeting you! Great blog!
Take care! Paulette
Hi Paulette,
Yes the Fibre Fair was a lot of fun today. It was nice to meet you and also another blogger to boot! Regular folks don't understand the drive to write...
I'll be keeping an eye on your blog and seeing what you are up to.
Quilting is always one of those new fibre activities I'm meaning to get to one day... but weaving snagged me first!
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