Happy New Year!
For Christmas, my darling daughter had this Harry and David "tower of treats' sent to us. Our very first time getting a gift like this! What a neat surprize to find this on your door step. So what's inside you ask?
A fire (on Dec 22nd) destroyed the mobile home on the property that we run the business out of. We lost ALL completed product we had in inventory as well as my office, our wood finishing area, and our lunchroom and restroom areas.
The Good News is we have all of our production equipment and all company and customer data, and we shipped the last of the "Christmas gift" orders 3 hours before it all went up in smoke. (emphasis is mine.)
We are not out of business!! We are working on replenishing our stock and filling orders as we can. We will be slow in shipping orders for a few weeks while we get things back together.
I thank you for you understanding and support as we go through this rebuilding p rocess.
Nathan Lee
This makes my woolee winder extra special!
I have to finish filling the current regular bobbin and then set up the woolee winder. It has a worm gear in the arm that means the yarn winding on is continuously wound on it moves up and down the arm. No more 'lumps and humps' on the bobbin. You get even fill and actually more yarn on the bobbin. The Majacraft wheel is so smooth to treadle and this will make the experience even better. I'm such a spoilt brat.... :)
{ I was happy to contribute to the spinning wheel fund in my daughter's house this Christmas. She's a very excited girl waiting for her Kromski Prelude wheel to arrive. Seems the drop spindle I sent was just the right bait and the hook set well. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree! }
We had a grand week with my MIL, Lorraine and the time went so fast. The Tuesday before Christmas we had a lunch with Lynnette and her husband Michael as our guests. It was a lovely time with great conversation and ..... presents! I had mailed their gifts to them to ensure they would be under the tree ... and save room in our luggage! I'm now the proud owner of my very first pair of hand knit socks! They are *wonderful*... the fit and feel is great. Lynnette said she knit them 'toe up' and they have no seams. I'm in love with them and wish I could knit myself MORE! But I'd have to learn to knit to do that :)
It was a memorable Christmas and it's over for another year. I've a busy month ahead and hopefully there's some weaving in it. The carpenter who's building our new kitchen is bringing over the new doors to show us tomorrow so the fun and games is starting very soon! I have a kitchen to pack up and we'll be living on sandwiches and out of boxes for the duration.
I also plan to keep on weaving too and will start the year as I plan to continue.... by preparing a warp and spending some time today weaving. I brought in the New Year at midnight by spinning!
It looks like you had a great Christmas! And the socks have such a lovely pattern. Happy new year!
I sympathize over the truffles....the spinning wheel is a beauty-enjoy your spinning with the new woolee winder!
Oh, I saw that sad news on the Woolee Winder site the other day when I was trying to decide which wheel will get one - my Majacraft or Lendrum. Most probably the Majacraft since I tend to cart that one around more for spinning. I'm not in a rush so I'm willing to wait but I guess I should place my order soon.
Very yummy tower of treats you got!If you ever get down here to Southern Oregon Harry & David's is right here and has tours of the factory, especially fun in the fall when they're working on holiday items.
Happy New Year!
LOL, I see Cindie beat me to it. Harry & David is right in Medford OR and I think you can even take tours. f course they have an outlet store also.
Nice woollie winder. Think of all the sock yarn you could spin! ;-)
Glad you had a wonderful holiday. Happy New Year!
Looks like you had a wonderful holiday. I love the tower of treats!!! (Maybe I should say that in my blog as a hint for next year!!)
That's quite a story about your Woolee Winder. So nice of your husband to figure it out and get it for you!
Good luck with the kitchen reno!! (I definitely will not tell you the things my SIL is saying about hers at this point. I hope yours goes smoothly!!! Of course, you were able to weave during a household water-leaking event....so maybe your tolerance for household disorder and change is pretty high!)
Amazing Tower of Gifts! Your daughter seems to have sent just the right gift for a gal who has everything! I'm amazed to hear about the Woollie Winder fire, you really were very fortunate to receive yours it before it all went up in smoke! I can't wait to hear your opinion on the Woollie Winder, it sounds like a perfect tool to make spinning even more of a treat! Just the fact that you should get more yardage on a bobbin is a real plus. Thinking of you and your kitchen reno....hang in there!
I want an increase in my allowance so I can buy my own TRUFFLES!!!
Oh, to the contrary.... I had three and so did you.
You did eat ALL the nuts... and choc popcorn...and half the shortbread.
When I get an increase in my allowance, you can have one too.
Da Wife
OH... and you ate the choc covered cherries! I had *one*
You being sick was no defense.
:) Susan
Glad you liked the tower! Love you guys <3
Beautiful socks! I've been feeling the itch to knit some socks lately, but I'm still working away at the tree of life afghan. (and the zig zag mitts G *had* to have lol)
Still anxiously waiting for my wheel to arrive- thank-you both so much for helping me catch the bug and get my first wheel.
the banter back and forth about who ate what is adorable :)
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