
Monday, March 13, 2023

Perfect Match 🌹

 I'm happy to report that my back is settling down and I feel much improved.   There's still more healing to do though, so I'm still not weaving so this can heal properly and not set me back. (pun intended) 

I'd like to thank some of you readers who have reached out to wish me well and say that it is much appreciated!  

One special thing that came my way this week was a photograph I received from a customer who's husband bought his wife one of my snowflake twill scarves.  It was a lovely surprise and I must say he chose just the right one for her!  

Some of you may recall my older post called Snow Roses 🌹    Take a minute to read it again and then you will see below why this was the perfect gift. 


Friday, March 3, 2023

Life has Other Plans


Trust me when I say that I haven't willingly been avoiding my blog or  promised projects.  I have been laid low by a pinched nerve or crunched disc in my lower back and not able to do much at all.

Some days my major accomplishment is a shower!  ðŸš¿ 🥺

I've been down this road before and I know the eventually it will settle down and I can get back to normal again, but in time. No rushing things. I want this to heal right and once.

So no bending unnecessarily and slow movements, lots of rest, ice packs and good drugs. I have been able to use my Hansen e-spinner which is a delight to use.

The picture below shows where I'm experiencing the bulk of my pain / muscle spasm and it still is in a good clench, but not quite like the original, not to be forgotten moment it decided to show me who is boss.

Hubby Bruce is taking good care of me and no doubt is keeping a tab for the future!  ðŸ˜Š

Back soon.....  ðŸ©»ðŸ©ºðŸ’Š