Yes, I'm still here.
So after the return of Rhaea to the breeder, I fell into a bit of a blue mood. I knew it was the right thing to do for the pup especially, and also for us, but it was so. damn. hard.
How could something so long planned and prepared for, go so terribly wrong?
The unknown portion of the equation was Rhaea herself. Her personality and little terrier mind. They are truly individuals and exert themselves into the mix. I'm happy to report that she is doing very well and is quite at home with all the other dogs there and they let her know when she has overstepped and remind of her place at the bottom of the pack order. Her best buddy she plays everyday with is Sparkle, a Staffordshire terrier. In time she will go to a new home, but the new owners will have to have another dog for her to live with. A singleton lifestyle isn't for her.
Meanwhile, its been a bit quiet here as you can imagine. We took a week or so to gather, clean up and organize the puppy paraphernalia and have decided to sell it off. We haven't given up on the whole idea of having a dog but when we do get one, it will be an adult dog and so not all this stuff is useful.
During this time period, I got word that my ex husband had died. Our divorce was over 37 years ago so while I'm not feeling any loss, I do feel for my adult children who won't have closure on many issues. That door has been firmly closed.
I started to putter in the studio again but not with the old drive, but more from a sense of just keeping busy. We wound on a new warp onto the Spring loom and I have one scarf completed and a second started. I have decided that the pattern is neat but I'm not feeling the love for this painted warp and so its just something to weave off and get to something more exciting.

On the Megado I have finally completed two scarves but it was a bit of a slog, no matter how much I loved the pattern or colours. I haven't woven for two months and with the constant lifting of the legs I felt it in my muscles before too long. I was out of weaving shape! So I wove on it every day, and steadily longer repeats every day. So now the scarves are done, fringes twisted and washed and pressed. The reveal will have to wait a while until we get a rare (for this time of year) sunny day as every light on isn't enough to get a nice picture. But I'll post as soon as I can.... Here's a look at the start of the second scarf:

A few days ago I was starting to feel a bit better, ordering Christmas gifts on line and working on Christmas cards when we got a phone call from my daughter and son in law in Colorado. She has tested positive for Covid 19, complete with flu symptoms and a loss of smell and taste, and her hubby is okay for now but will be tested later this week. Suddenly something that was happening to many others 'out there' just came home to roost. Naturally as her mother, I'm filled with worry and dread. When some people tell me not to worry I'm inwardly laughing at that statement. Mothers never stop worrying about their children no matter their age. My mother in law is 97 and still fusses over my husband sometimes...
So we're staying home much more, being very careful when we go out and planning on a very quiet Christmas and winter season. There will be more weaving, more show and tell as we close out this awful year.
If you have a love of tapestry weaving, then I can recommend this book which was just released. Not only is it full of useful information on how to do tapestry weaving, its also a beautiful book with gorgeous pictures. It will become a classic very soon. Either treat yourself or ask Santa for it.
A quick note about my Shortcuts page: I had / have a shortcuts page to older posts on various topics to help newer readers find stuff here. There were some broken links which I fixed and then republished the page. Now Blogger tells me its published but I can't see any tab at the top, and according to some readers, they can't see it either. Its very frustrating and I have written to support about this issue but so far, no reply or fix. I'm afraid you will have to use the little search box in the top lefthand corner until I can get this figured out.... Sorry about that! 😳