So what the heck does that title mean?
Well, I started weaving again. I wove short 10- 15 minute sessions and then waited to see how my back responded to the motion. Sometimes I had to take a day or two off, and then I'd try again. It seemed to be going well overall and the inches were slowly adding up on the loom.
Then I added more repeats and a bit more time.... and waited. Soon I was weaving a full 20-30 minutes with rest breaks and some days an Advil and a day or two off.
Feeling better about how things were going!
Then the 8 yard warp of 8/2 Venne cotton and linen wefts was all done and cut off the loom! All 2 1/2 pounds of it!
I had another warp all prepared and so got to work beaming it. I took my time and slowly wound on with frequent rest breaks. But there is bending to depress the brake peddle and movement back and forth between the back and front to shift my weights.
Once it was beamed I stopped for the day. That night my back grumbled and let me know it was unhappy, so I knew the next few days would be 'rest days'. Then I woke to a very unhappy lower back and now I'm on an enforced healing / rest time period once again.
It would seem that moderate to severe arthritic changes to my lower spine, with stenosis (encroachment of the nerves exiting the spinal column) is my new Boss and is very clear about telling what I can and can't do. 😢 There are some positives to this situation:
- I didn't herniate a disc like last time
- rest will settle things down in time
- I will weave again
- I have towels to hand sew and play with finishing
- I can thread and sley slowly when the time is right and 'Boss' says I can
- My Hansen e-spinner is nearby and doesn't hurt me!
Finding the sweet spot much like we do on our looms when weaving......
1 comment:
Sorry you're down again but you are playing it so smart! Continue to take care!
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