This is part 2 of a "Second Helping" where I'm discussing a towel project using the Helping Hands from Lofty Fibers for the Louet Megado loom. If you haven't already, maybe read part one first.
Click on the pictures to enlarge.
So this is a picture of a nice stack of towels. Eight of them and every one is different. That's the beauty and fun part of a computer-dobby loom. No getting down to change a tie up. You can play with different drafts. The constant is your threading. (although you could change that too if you wanted to!) The tie up will be topped at 16 shafts, but the treadling can be any number.
Let's go one by one from the top down and view the actors. That is all the look you'll get for now as they have to be washed and hemmed and will be shown fully finished in part 3.
The warp is ring spun cotton, 8/2 and sett 24 epi. The wefts are 8/2 cottons as well. The loom is threaded for a 16 shaft point twill. The top towel was in a pattern I think of as
'leaves'. Could be dragon scales.....what ever comes to your mind. As you can see it uses something like 54 treadles! You can find this draft ( and most of the rest) at and their corresponding numbers are shown for you. is a wonderful resource of over 75,000 + drafts for weavers and any number of shafts. They ask a subscription fee but it's worth every penny! They are constantly adding new draft collections.... and you can even add your own too.
Towels two is an old friend I call
Pandora's Boxes as the first time I wove it was during the early part of the Covid Pandemic. It's a satin weave.
The third is one I have also woven before, but that time as a scarf. I call it
Stars and Flowers.
Number four is one I call 'interlocking diamonds' and the light lime green was perhaps not the best colour to show the pattern. Its lovely anyhow.
Towel five was another favourite from the last time I did a
variety of towels like this. I think of it as 'chevroned diamonds'.
Now we come to towel six and I have no identifying number to give you! It came from and was originally threaded as a straight draw as shown below on the right . I played with it to see what it would look like as a point twill.... and 'zig zag trees' came to be. Its visually striking and you can invent your own name for this turned twill.
No # (yet! 😊)
Towels seven and eight: well, I had woven some old drafts I have woven before and I wanted to try something new. I found this draft below. See the point twill right at the start? Now run your eye down the treadling row and see the pattern created by that one 16 end point twill.
This modified draft below will help to visualize it better. I've added a total of three point twills and created a separation from the main draft. So I'm using the tie up as shown, and also treadling as shown. The threading is the existing 16 shaft point twill. This created the bottom towel number eight.
#56518 -modified 1
There is a lovely little zig zag that looks like flowers and ivy where there is a treadling run of 1 to 16. This repeated sequence became towel number 7. (Yes I have reversed the towel order, but doing it this way makes it easier to show you.) You can play with any draft like this and that's the beauty of weaving programs. I'm using Fiberworks Silver + . I have sometimes put a warp on and then found I didn't like it, so the program comes to the rescue.
#56518- modified 2
So those are the Performers and now they are waiting for my out of town company to depart on the 31st and them hemming can begin. Then it will be 'lights and camera' time..... See you again in August!
Excellent 16 shaft point twill round up from! Beautiful choices and I love your modification on #56518!
Look forward to seeing the official hemmed versions :)
Wow! You really show the huge benefit of a computer loom in this post. I am amazed at what you have achieved and love all of the drafts.
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