Well, after all our prep work and waiting all summer long, the day finally came for the packers from the moving company to arrive. The kitchen cupboards were full of china and many other full cupboards. We had downsized as much as we could anticipate (and that is the key word for this!). The crew arrived bright and early and said it would take them two days to pack everything including the garage and outdoor gardening gear.
Amazing, when you think of how fast it can go when you know what you are doing! They also arrived with this well supplied truck loaded with boxes of every size, tape galore and an endless supply of packing paper. They were packing machines and powered their way through our house!
At the end of the first day they had boxed up everything but the basics. They left us two cups, plates, cutlery, the coffee maker, our bed, the TV and dog food for Calli.
It felt strange having these 'tunnels' of boxes to walk through all neatly stacked. Only marked "kitchen" or "linen cupboard". It was the same downstairs too. Below is Bruce's office. Books, office equipment and paraphernalia all neatly parcel and stacked. We ate pizza and watched TV. It felt kinda weird .....
Earlier in the day I walked through the studio when the yarns were being boxed and the guy working commented "I've moved craft studios before, even looms before.... but this is the most yarn I have ever packed up". So what do you say to that? Thank you! 😇 They assured me that my babies, the looms, would be well wrapped and cared for. I decided the best way to handle that was to not be around when they did the deed. What I didn't know would save my one good nerve left.
On September 29th, the two five-ton trucks arrived and neatly parked within inches of each other in the driveway. It was quite the symphony men and dollies as boxes were carted out the door and arranged on the lawn outside. Thankfully it was over cast but no rain. They emptied the upper floor first. It slowed down some at the truck as they carefully fit together a jigsaw puzzle of our household goods into a neat and tidy wall. They needed a flat front to the load and then using tie down cords, they cinched it into place so the load would not shift. Then they would build another layer.
One young helper likened it to a giant Tetris game. I nodded in agreement (but I never played or understand video games like that.) He said loading took longer due to the fitting process but unloading usually was done in half the time. I hope so since we're paying by the hour!
Everything in the house, with the exception of a few items fit into the five ton truck. That includes three looms and loads of yarn..... and all of our books. The second truck gathered up all the patio furniture and garden shed stuff and headed down to the garage for the last part of the job.
Then the trucks rolled away to be in a storage yard for two days and we were officially home less. Well, we still owned it for two days but it was completely empty and waiting for the cleaners to come the next day. Technically the possession was for Oct 1st but the new owners got the keys mid afternoon of the 30th. I took time out to walk about, check for any forgotten items and take some last pictures.
The fireplace wall was the only original item from when the house was built in 1979.
Our personally designed kitchen, new in 2010.
The lovely hardwood floor "Imperial Walnut" and new doors and windows.
..... and a completely empty studio! Not even a thrum left behind, though there some lint bunnies.
Below is where the big Woolhouse Tools countermarch sat for years.... then more recently, the Megado. After nine years and one month, this chapter in our lives was over. This room would soon be filled with a large screen TV, comfy couch, and two kids, two dogs, two cats and a whole new focus for the home and property.
The path was clear for us to leave and so we were off to our hotel for the night. Next instalment will cover our transition between homes, and communities. It seems you are never too old for new adventure!
And what a wonderful new adventure! Bittersweet, I'm sure, but the thought of a new family with kids and dogs and cats is a nice one to have as well. Looking forward to seeing how the new studio comes together and more beautiful work that will surely happen in your lovely new space.
Hi, Susan, I hope the unpacking goes as quickly as the packing! Do let us know, on FB or Blogger, when you and Bruce and Callie are settled into the new home and studio. Take care, Sandra
From Billie Weaver in Australia:
Dang it all Susan, it won't let me leave a comment on your blog, so I will leave it here. Living vicariously through you and I hope that the whales put on a mighty fine "Welcome Home" display as you made your way to your new house <3 Can't wait to see your new studio set up :)
Such a beautiful home! I must be hard to leave. I hope you'll love your new home! I can't wait to see beautiful things coming off our looms again.
Having someone else pack for you sounds simultaneously like a dream and a nightmare. I did my own packing and unpacking when I moved last year, and although a lot of work, it was what enabled me to get rid of decades worth of things I didn't miss for a minute after they were gone.
I, too, can't wait to see how you make the new digs really yours.
So excited to have a new adventure in your new home and town. I'm sure there will be lots of long hours of work ahead of you but you have all winter. Good luck and thanks for sharing.
I wish you the best of luck in your move and new digs!
Susan, I'm enjoying reading about your moving adventures, since that is, hopefully, in my future in 2017. Looking forward to your next post(s) on settling in, setting up your studio, and back to weaving, and exploring your new community!
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